Brights Hardware Bellville

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From a humble little house in the suburbs, the demolition and transformation of this building was simply amazing. From the initial civils, to the amazing steel structure, right up to the roof and down deep into the foundations, Brights Hardware in Cape Town, is one of the first bigger construction projects that Global Construction Management (Pty) Ltd (GLOBAL) completed in South Africa, after successful endeavors in Africa like The Escape Hotel and Spa in Barbados, partially owned at the time by Sir Richard Branson, the D.C.P mining village in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Quifangondo Monument in Angola.

Light Steel Framing has been in use internationally for many decades and GLOBAL has taken title to a system which was originally developed in the United Kingdom. Millions of pounds were spent on the development and testing of the system prior to implementation into Europe. The light steel framing system was successfully introduced to South Africa for the purpose of testing and Agreement Certification was achieved. GLOBAL has continuously refined the system and integrated the use of external cladding in the form of a cement/wood particle board. These boards has proven to be superior to many conventional building materials and prolonged use in areas of extreme freeze/thaw conditions confirmed that the use of the Versapanel boards provides a well insulated, maintenance free and long lasting construction solution. This combined technology proves perfect for projects such as student accommodation, multi storey buildings and the like.