Toplin Building project  

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A few interesting facts:-

Although it is an external staircase, the process for the Toplin House external staircase included a few elements of the building technology that Global Construction Management (Pty) Ltd (GLOBAL)is using in other building projects, namely a combination of hot rolled steel columns and sections, L.S.F. (Light steel framing) and Versapanel. It also highlighted the fact that this combination of technology is very effective in the erection of multi-storey buildings.

At Toplin House, our L.S.F. team completed the installation of the light steel frames and fitted the Versapanel cement particle boards. 5 floors consisting of hot rolled steel, L.S.F. and the Versapanel.

This is the same combination of materials used when constructing a multi storey building, in this instance an external staircase with exactly the same components.

One of the core techniques that GLOBAL is using in constructing multi storey buildings is utilising a combination of warm steel and light steel framing. The very easy combination of warm steel and L.S.F. (Light Steel Framing) successfully marries to provide multi storey buildings of high quality and durability.

In this instance, The Toplin House building project was a 5 storey external staircase, with a combination of warm steel, L.S.F. and Versapanel cladding. GLOBAL uses 1,2 mm galvanized, Z 275 coated, commercial grade steel from coil stock to form channels of various dimension, which are made up in frames consisting of top and bottom track sections, vertical studs, noggins and bracings. All the frames are designed and signed off by our structural engineers, from whom the cover of continuous structural indemnity arises for the project.

The versatility of a steel construction team is tested when operating in confined spaces. The success is determined by resourceful planning and skills obtained throughout various projects. The GLOBAL steel construction team has obtained the necessary skills throughout a multitude of projects to be able to approach this task head on and achieve success! We would like to thank Toplin House student accommodation management for entrusting this interesting challenge to us, and like every other project this was a great success.